Avoid These Three Mistakes When Moving Your Small Business To A New Building

When your small business has grown to the point that you have bought or leased a bigger space, moving can be stressful. Here are some mistakes to avoid during the process so that you and your employees can get back to your daily routine as soon as possible.

Not Adhering to a Moving Schedule

You may be planning to move on a particular day and want to avoid thinking too much about the move until then. However, this can be a mistake. To make the move easier, it is a better idea to come up with a schedule where you do a little bit of work every day before the move so that the move can go quickly.

For example, you might shred old files and backup current files on one day, remove obsolete or broken electronics another day and set up a shredding station on another day. Doing a little bit at a time will help the move be more manageable for you and your employees.

Not Consulting Employees

While as the boss you are responsible for laying out a floor plan for the new company space, it would be a mistake to avoid consulting your employees about the new floor plan and other moving issues. They may suggest new layouts for better productivity, prefer to keep files in a different location or have other ideas that make your business run more smoothly. Enlisting the help of your employees during planning will also help them to feel like a valued part of your business.

Not Moving Electronics First

You might just want to pack up everything and move it all at once, not thinking that it matters when you move everything as long as it gets to the new space. However, it is a good idea to move computers and printers over first, so that they can be up and running and employees can get back to work as soon as possible. If there are any problems getting your electronics to work properly or if they have been damaged in the move, you can tackle those issues while the rest of your things are being moved in.

Now that you know some mistakes to avoid when moving your small business to a new building, use the information in this article to help your move go smoothly. Talk to a reputable commercial moving company like Movers 201 Inc for more suggestions about how to make moving easier.
